Can Frozen Hair & the weather cause hair loss?

Dec 24, 2022

If you’re one of the many people who have been asking whether seasonal hair loss is a myth or truth, then here’s some information that might help answer your questions.

First, let’s take a look at what we mean when we talk about seasonal hair loss. Seasonal hair loss is a type of alopecia that occurs in the summer and winter months. It is caused by hormonal changes in your body, which cause your hair follicles to shrink. This shrinking can cause small bald patches on your head.

The main cause of seasonal hair loss is the change in temperature from hot to cold (or vice versa), which triggers hormonal changes in your body that cause the tiny hairs on your head to shrink and fall out. This can result in bald patches on your scalp that are usually temporary, but if left untreated, they can become permanent over time.

This type of alopecia does not affect everyone equally; some people will experience this phenomenon only once or twice per year while others may experience it more frequently or for longer periods of time each time it happens.

Some people start asking “what about frozen hair?” In the UK it is highly unlikely for your hair to freeze during the day. Your hair would have to be damp and below-minus weather outside for it to even begin.

If your hair was frozen, would this cause hair loss? No. The freezing temperatures would cause your hair to become brittle, which could lead to breakage or splitting of the hair shafts. It is possible for your hair to freeze during the night if it’s exposed (e.g., you forgot a hat), but this would not cause any permanent damage or loss of follicles.

Take a look at some of the best headwear for anti-hair loss and how you can prevent further damage this winter :

Here are some myths about hair loss in Winter.

People with long hair are more likely to lose it during the cold months.

No, long hair is not a risk factor for seasonal hair loss. There is no evidence that any particular type of hair (curly vs. straight; thick vs. thin) is more affected by cold temperatures than another.

People with dry hair are more likely to lose it during the winter months.

No, having dry hair does not increase your risk of seasonal hair loss. However, if you have dandruff or scalp psoriasis (a type of skin condition), these conditions may make your scalp more sensitive to cold temperatures and you should use mild shampoo and conditioner in order to protect against further damage.

MHR Clinic uses highly skilled, experienced and dedicated surgeons, who are members of ISHSR (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery), the General Medical Council and who are accredited by other important medical and surgical bodies.

If you want to understand more about hair transplant processes, our knowledgeable consultants are happy and waiting to help you. Telephone 01565 745 344 or contact MHR Clinic through this contact page.