Low Level Laser Hair Loss Therapy
Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is a safe and effective hair growth treatment for men and women. It is most successful when combined with medicines and DHT blocking lotions and shampoos.
Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is a safe and effective hair growth treatment for men and women. It is most successful when combined with medicines and DHT blocking lotions and shampoos.
MHR Clinic leads the hair restoration industry in providing low level laser therapy. Each of our clinics houses a suite of the world’s highest class of laser therapy machines. They ensure the safest and most effective distribution of light needed to restore thinning hair.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does low level laser therapy work?
Yes. Trials on hundreds of patients by American Society of Clinical Dermatology found LLLT “to be a safe, alternative treatment for patients with androgenetic alopecia in both men and women.” In 2016, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine Journal concluded that LLLT was “a promising monotherapy for androgenetic alopecia” and served as “an effective alternative for individuals unwilling to use medical therapy or undergo surgical options.”
When was laser therapy first used for hair loss?
Low level laser therapy for hair loss was discovered accidentally in 1967. Hungarian physician Endre Mester recorded hair growing back much more quickly on a group of mice receiving LLLT to reduce skin cancers. Since then it has been used widely on people to promote healthy hair growth while other medical applications have also been uncovered, including the acceleration of healing in sports injuries.
How deep into the tissue can laser light penetrate?
A narrow band (600 to 1,060 nanometers) is called the ‘therapeutic window’, within which cold lasers achieve their deepest penetration. The depth of light penetration on the scalp is based on the optical characteristics of the low level laser therapy machine being used. MHR Clinic uses the world’s highest class of laser therapy machines. They have a reach of up to six inches and incorporate technical design to maximise the scalp’s exposure to their light.
Can low level laser therapy cause heat damage or cancer?
No. Cold lasers use average power levels and produce a light spectrum that does not allow heat-damage or carcinogenic (cancer-causing) effects. Due to increased blood circulation and the creation of ATP (which triggers cell regeneration), it is perhaps not recommended to use a cold laser on an area that is suspected to have cancer. However, there is no evidence that this could be a problem.
What happens if I have too much LLLT?
The only negative consequence of undertaking too much low level laser therapy is the potential stalling of the benefits you seek to achieve. Too much LLLT can have a bio-suppressive effect. However, our clinic staff are experts in ensuring you receive the correct amount of laser therapy for you. They will never allow you to undertake too much low level laser therapy.
Your Laser Hair Growth Treatment
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)
Low level laser therapy directs photons from between 800 and 860 nanometres on the light spectrum at a person’s scalp. This light band boosts blood circulation, protein production and the bio-stimulation of cell structures in the scalp membrane and hair follicles.
The scalp membrane’s cells produce a chemical called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP converts to adenosine monophosphate (AMP) inside the hair follicle. AMP releases energy in the follicle for the metabolic process needed for hair growth. As a result, keratin content in hair is increased by up to 30 percent.
Simultaneously, laser therapy causes cells in the scalp to release nitric oxide. This improves vascular blood flow in the scalp and the increased flow of nutrients and oxygen to hair roots.
As a result, low level laser therapy contributes to the reversal of genetic male and female pattern baldness and the generation of a new (anagen) growth phase in your hair.
MHR Clinic clients typically undergo two 40-minute laser therapy sessions each month. We frequently administer low level laser therapy in combination with Minoxidil lotions, DHT-blocking shampoos, herbal medicines, and micro doses of Finasteride for men.